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What is Garbh Sanskar

Garbhsansakar is an ancient vedic method for divine progeny. Garbha means baby in the womb and Sanskar means to educate so It is a scientific way to educate your child in womb. It is believed that child's mental setup begins to develope right from conception and has a great impact of mother's thoughts and behaviour. We input good thoughts and behaviour through mother and create good impression in the mind of child from womb which everlast life time. Pregnancy is a precious time for every woman in her life. A woman passes through so many physical and emotional changes during Preganancy. We provide them right information and guidance in Ayurved way Which turn motherhood journey in happy occasion and helps to give a birth of healthy and happy child.

Join us to gift your child a bright future in womb. Make your motherhood journey enjoyable & memorable.

Science of Garbh Sanskar

Pregnancy is a blessing and happy time for every woman in her life. It is a feeling of giving a birth of another human life. This nine months and nine days are very important for mother and child but as a mother, a responsible person for another life, Do you take your best efforts for your child? Now a days different types of child diseases like hyperactive child, ADHA child and other mental disorders are increasing fastly. To decrease this disease and give a birth of happy and healthy child you required right effort in proper direction at proper time. Mother has to be very careful about her behaviour, thoghts, listening or talking during this nine month of pregnancy. Garbhsanskar is a way by which parents are getting their best progeny. It teaches you diet and lifestyle management along with conduct and behaviour to nurture your child physically, socially & emotionally.

Preconception Treatment (Beej shudhi sanskar)

Beeja means sperm & ovum so detoxification of sperm & ovum is called Beej shudhi sanskar. In Ayurveda giving birth to a child is compared to planting a tree. We need good quality of seed, fertilized soil and proper amount of watering to get a good crop. Same way we need good quality of sperm and ovum for best progeny. Ayurveda has a unique therapy to purify and overcome deformities from sperm and ovum by Panchkarm. Panchkarma is a cleansing process which removes any unhealthy condition developed in body & detoxify it at cellular level. Improves chances of conception naturally and decrases possibility of transfering hereditary dieases in child. Mental health is as important as physical health as per aurveda. Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Prayer are given to couples to maintain state of mind

Antenatal Care (Garbhini paricharya)

Pregnant ladies known as a garbhini in sanskrit and paricharya means care so care of pregnant ladies known as a garbhini parichrya in ayurveda. It defines unique care of every month according to physical & emotional changes of mother and organ development of child. It includes following

  • Monthwise Diet
    Food is the best source of nourisment for any human being but in pregnancy it is much and more important for pregnant ladies and her developing baby. In Ayurved diet of nine month is unique and changes accoroding to growth of womb so we designed a special ayurvedic diet plan which fulfill needs of mother and ensure health of child.
  • Yoga & Pranayam
    Yoga is a systemic exercise of the body that involves breath control and relax both your mind & body. It improves flexibility, strength and endurance of muscles and prepare them for childbirth. Pranayama is art of controlled deep breathing. Conscious inhalation of oxygen and removes waste carbon dioxide by mindful exhalation. It increase flow of oxygen in blood. It enhances blood circulation, generates positives hormones and throw away negative thaughts and make mind calm & relaxed of both mother and baby. Join us to give your child good impressions form womb which everlast life time.
  • Garbhsamwad
    It is an interaction with your unborn baby during pregnancy. It is believed that maximum brain development takes place in womb so it is the place to learn and prescious time for baby brain development. At this time if good thaughts, emotions and refinements (cultural-things) are intentionally inculcated in the child, It stores in subconscious mind and surely help to stimulate intelligence and make child virtuefull. It also create a strong bond with your unborn baby which everlast even after birth. We also provide other powerful meditation techniques to heal yourself. Like chakra balancing, colour meditation etc. Which helps to maintain healthy and energetic mental set up. It may improve infant behaviour and reduce the risk of preturm birth. It is a way of spending time for loving, joyful relationship with your unborn baby by talking, singing, listening to music or massaging your belly.
  • Harmonious Music
    Music has no languages. Musical nodes always touch our heart and give us a wonderful experience. In pregnancy music is a great mood enhancer. It relieves stress of mother and unborn baby and secrets happy hormone. Rhythemic sound waves of music stimulates cognitive skill like movement & reflexes of child in womb. It also improves auditary(hearing skill) senses. Science has proved that chanting or hearing of special mantras, prayer and classical music has a great influence on baby brain development.
  • Activites for Baby brain development
    We provide different activities monthwise as per organ and mind development of baby like creative, intellectual and spiritual activites. It is a good way for relieving stress and stay focused during pregnancy. It makes you happy and give satisfaction to yourself. We designed all these activities to sharpen monthwise organ development and to promote mental set up of unborn baby. Studies have shown that women who makes busy herself in activites during pregnancy find their child more thaughtful, intelligent, well-cultured after birth.

Postnatal Care

  • Mother Care
    Post natal care is known as a sutika paricharya in ayurveda which means care to be taken for mother who has just given birth to baby. Mother is exhausted due to physical and mental fatigue after delivery and vata dosha increases soon after delivery. She needs good rest, special regimen to fulfill needs of herself & proper growth of baby. Ayurveda shows a special diet regimen, lifestyle management and medication at least for 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. Which helps her to balance dosha, shrink utreus in normal position and regain strength of ligament, muscle. Also improves quality and quantity of lactation.
  • Baby Care
    Suvarnaprasahan is a unique sanskar process which is shown in ayurveda for children. Suvarnaprashan is a mixture of gold, Honey, Cow-ghee and ayurved herbs like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwgandha etc.. Which is given to child in liquid or semi-solid form.

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